
NCCF holds annual meeting

The Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation recently held its 34th annual meeting via videoconference.

Brad Belmondo, 2020 Westfield Academy and Central School graduate and NCCF scholarship recipient, kicked the meeting with an inspiring rendition of the national anthem on the trumpet.

Richard Ketcham, foundation board president, welcomed the 46 board members, voting members and staff in attendance.

“Although we are in uncertain times, we are working together,” Ketcham said. “One of the key examples is that within a matter of days of the COVID-19 crisis, we jumped in as one of the key founders of the Chautauqua County Crisis Response Fund. This fund has raised more than $957,680 to assist local food pantries, child care centers, and other health and human services organizations.”

Re-elected board members are Nancy Adams Fry and Ketcham, with Stephanie Stephens newly elected to the board. Re-elected to the voting membership were Michael Bobseine, Magdalena Dye, Debra Pacos, John Warren, Christopher Anson, Kitty Crow, Lori Lehnen, Jennifer Michalak, and Joel Seachrist. Elected for their first term were Josiah Lamp, Jeffery Passafaro, Sue Crawford Poster, and Rachel Willow. Kelly Borrello, John Hamels, and Susan L. Wells were re-elected to the nominating committee.

In other business, the voting membership approved updates to the bylaws. The review of the 2019 audit showed that the foundation’s investment results for 2019, net fees, was 21% and assets at the end of 2019 were at $29,660,813.

In line with the foundation’s focus of strategic grantmaking and philanthropy, Diane Hannum, executive director, mentioned the 314 grant awards totaling $1,147,439 and the 298 scholarships totaling $264,482. She also thanked the 652 donors who contributed more than $1.1 million to support the mission of the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation.

Individuals moving on from their positions at the NCCF were thanked for their years of service. After nine years as a voting member, Adam Bratton, Mary Beth Chess and Gileen French have left the board. Other voting members thanked were John Ames, Sandy George and Richard Wade. Meeting attendees joined in recognizing Priscilla Koch for her 13 years as a board member, during which time she served on the Administration, Grants, Service Learning, Engaging Educators, and #upliftCHQ committees.

For more information on the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation, to receive a copy of the 2019 audit or to learn more about getting involved at the foundation, email nccf@nccfoundation.org or call the office at 366-4892. An electronic version of the audit is available on the NCCF website at www.nccfoundation.org/financials.

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